About Money and Me

Money and Me is a free, 6-week guided self-help programme delivered 1:1 with a Navigator across Salford.

We aim to support you in exploring your relationship with money through a mental health lens, specifically how money can support or trigger mental health. The course has been carefully crafted to help you to develop the skills and confidence to manage your mental health when you experience money problems.


Throughout the 6-week duration, we can explore the following topics based on your specific needs and priorities:

Over the programme, your navigator will help you to;

  • Explore your relationship with money and how feelings of worry, uncertainty, and anxiety can influence it.
  • Discuss taking the first steps toward the goals we create together, finding different approaches to achieve them, and practicing self-compassion while still striving for progress.
  • Learn to navigate conversations about money, recognising that having open, sometimes challenging, discussions can be an important part of improving your relationship with it.

This course is designed to create the following impact on your life;

  • Feeling less worried about money and therefore able to live a happier life.
  • A reduction in your experience of stress and anxiety.
  • Improved understanding and confidence to manage finances independently.

We aim for these sessions to provide you with a space to talk openly with someone, while the resources offered help you gain a deeper understanding of mental health and money. Our navigators will also connect you to other local services that may be beneficial to you

I was given the time, patience and understanding that I and my situation needed, and felt reassured on completing our sessions.

Accessing Money and Me

Money and Me is for you if:

  • you’re 18 or over and live in Salford.
  • money worries affect your mental health or vice versa.
  • you want practical ways to build your confidence in managing money

Sign up here Make a referral

If you have any questions,

Please note that Money & Me does NOT provide specialist benefit or debt advice, but can support you to access this. If you are in a financial or mental health crisis now, get help for this first. Contact your GP for mental health support or our Debt Advice Team for financial advice https://www.mindinsalford.org.uk/services/welfare-rights-debt-advice/.