We provide welfare rights and debt advice for people in Salford who are over 18; are Salford residents or registered with a Salford GP; and who have a mental health condition. Our advice is free, independent, impartial and confidential.

Money and our financial situation can have a big impact on our mental health and how well we feel. Money worries can make our mental health worse, which in turn can then impact on our ability to manage our money. At Mind in Salford, we strive to ensure that everyone with mental health difficulties has access to support and that they are treated fairly and with respect.

Make a referral 

Alternatively, you can find out more about our advice services by calling 0161 710 1070.

If you need urgent help or have not found what you were looking for, please visit our Find Help Page.

The advice has been life changing and I am now an ambassador and raise funds for Mind


Working in Partnership

We are in partnership with 42nd Street and provide welfare benefits, debt and housing advice to young people aged 13-18. As well as their families. Referrals are from Salford Hubs, Salford IYSS, Route 29 and mental health practitioners.

Our team also works alongside the Salford Living Well Service to provide welfare benefits and debt advice to people accessing their service.