To access support to this service contact your allocated GP practitioner who will make a referral to us.

Living Well – What is it?

Living Well Salford is a community mental health service, delivered in partnership between GMMH, Mind in Salford, Six Degrees, Wellbeing Matters and START. It’s jointly funded by GMMH, NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Salford Primary Care Networks.

We do mental health support differently, with a focus on your skills, aspirations and experiences. We put your strengths and lived experience at the centre to help you recover and stay well as part of your community.

Who is Living Well for?

If you need more support for your mental health than your GP can offer, but a bit less than a Community Mental Health team.

If your social situation is having a negative impact on your mental health.

If you are experiencing distress due to trauma.

Who is in the core team?

The Living Well Team is multidisciplinary, and includes an occupational therapist, nurse, recovery worker, psychiatrist, psychologist, peer mentors and social workers.

What does Mind in Salford offer?

We provide the peer support element of Living Well through our Peer Support Workers (PSWs).

Peer support workers are people who have lived experience of mental health challenges themselves. They use these experiences and empathy to support our service users. They embody recovery from poor mental health and because of their unique position, they can convey understanding of what it’s like to be mentally unwell and to navigate the mental health system.

By sharing their own lived experience and practical guidance, peer support workers help people to develop their own goals, create strategies for self-empowerment, and take concrete steps towards building fulfilling, self-determined lives for themselves.

NHS England’s Five Year Forward View refers to peer support as one of the ‘slow burn, high impact’ interventions that should be seen as ‘essential’ to the future of the NHS.

Contact the Living Well Team Salford

Please contact the living well team directly on 0161 271 0042 if you have any questions about the service.

How to make a referral?

To access support to this service contact your allocated GP practitioner who will make a referral to us on your behalf.

Living Well Report

Read the Living Well Summative Report here