It’s important if you’re not happy with any aspect of your care and treatment that you raise your concerns or make a complaint. This will enable services to learn from your experiences.

What does an NHS Complaints Advocate do?

The Health and Social Care Act establishes a right to advocacy to support people wishing to make a complaint about the NHS. For example, towards treatment from a hospital, doctor, local surgery or if you’ve been refused treatment for a condition.

We provide you with guidance on how to make a complaint.

You have the right to:

  • Have your complaint dealt with efficiently, and properly investigated
  • Know the outcome of any investigation into your complaint
  • Take your complaint to the independent Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) if you’re not satisfied with the way the NHS has dealt with your complaint

A NHS complaints advocate can:

  • Help you compile all the issues you wish to raise in the complaint
  • Help you write letters and support you to prepare for and attend meetings
  • Answer questions to help you make decisions