Who does an IMCA advocate support?

The IMCA service supports people who have no one appropriate to consult, and lack capacity to make a decision about:

  • Serious Medical Treatment
  • Long Term Moves
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards – what is this?
    • Lack capacity to consent to their care or treatment arrangements
    • Are under continuous control
    • Are not free to leave
    • A person is still deprived of their liberty if
    • They do not object to the arrangement
    • The arrangement is perceived as normal
  • Needs Assessments
  • Care Planning and Reviews
  • Safeguarding Enquiries and Reviews

What does an IMCA do?

The IMCA will support the person and represent them in the decision making process, including;

  • Investigating a client’s past and present views and wishes
  • Consulting with professionals, family and friends to help build a picture of the client’s history
  • Ensuring that the client is as involved as they can be in the decision
  • Securing a person’s rights and representing their interests
  • Writing a report focusing on the principles of the Mental Capacity Act and Care Act, including the least restrictive options, promoting the client’s wellbeing and alternative choices
  • The IMCA’s report must be taken into account by the decision maker before they make the decision.

An IMCA has the right to

  • Meet the person independently and in private
  • Gain access and be able to read relevant social care and medical records
  • Seek a second medical opinion
  • Challenge the decisions made
  • Speak to professionals about the client’s case

An IMCA does not

  • Make capacity assessments
  • Make decisions on behalf of the client
  • Decide what is in the client’s best interest
  • Decide who is ‘appropriate’ to consult

Who can make a referral?