What is mindfulness?

To be mindful is being aware of how you think and feel in each moment. We often think we are aware, however nearly half of our time is lost in thought, worrying about the past and things we can’t do anything about, or predicting a future that we haven’t even experienced yet.

This back and forth locks us into stress and anxiety. Awareness offers us a choice to be present and find peace in the here and now.

What is MBSR?

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is a course that has been designed to help you incorporate regular mindful activities and meditation into your daily life. You will be guided through theory, practice, and independent learning by one of our experienced mindfulness teachers. MBSR has been shown to manage stress and anxiety and improve mood. It helps step out of the thinking brain that can cause us to be reactive, so you are better able to make decisions and be more self-aware. A regular mindfulness practice can also ensure we notice the positive and the good in our lives, improving our well-being and connection to our family and friends.

What we offer

The course will help you understand what mindfulness is and introduce you to a number of different practices that can boost mental and emotional health and help you build resilience.

During the course you will be guided through a variety of meditations and mindful practices. By learning the basic skills and theory you will be able to include this into your daily life to improve your mood and reduce stress and anxiety.

Please note that we are in the process of finalising new course dates. Please email [email protected] to be kept informed or sign up to our newsletter for upcoming session information.

All courses will be subject to waiting lists as the courses proved to be very popular.

FREE Mindfulness and Relaxation for the Menopause

Menopause doesn’t just affect the body. That’s why we are offering free Mindfulness and Relaxation for the Menopause sessions as part of a partnership with other local Mind’s across Greater Manchester through 1) 90 minute taster sessions and 2) 8 week courses. Take control of your menopause and build individual resilience. Find out more about the GM Menopause

8 Week Mindfulness for Asian Men:

I have to say that Emran’s course had a level of impact that I have not experienced before. His positive energy was refreshing and I appreciated that he provided real science with each meditation. It made the practices more tangible and relatable.


8 week MBSR course:

it has been really helpful in giving me ‘time-out’ to stop and be more in the moment. I have learnt a lot of new coping skills reflections and strategies. The tutors have been really friendly and inviting.


Mindfulness for Migrant Women Seeking Asylum:

I participate as it is very good for me. I get good energy, I need it. It helps me physically and mentally. I would like to continue practicing.


8 week MBSR course:

I have found the course really beneficial and would highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning how to respond rather than react in certain situations. It’s also given me a far better understanding of what mindfulness is rather than just sitting there meditating.


We also provide mindfulness tasters and training in workplace settings. For further information please contact team on [email protected] or call 0161 710 1070.